112 & 116 Avenue S Brooklyn NY 11223

Marcus and Millichap has successfully sold 112 and 116 Avenue S, two contiguous 12-unit walk-up apartment buildings located between West 9th and West 10th Streets in the Gravesend section of Southern Brooklyn.

The properties offer a mixed configuration of studios, one, and two-bedroom units. Currently all units remain rent stabilized, with four tenants benefiting from the city's SCRIE/DRIE program, and two units set to be vacant at sale.

These two mid-block, four story buildings are each built 26 feet in width, and 83.5 feet in length. Together the buildings measure out to a combined total of 14,616 gross square feet.

This offering presents the opportunity to capitalize on the untapped upside in the current rent roll as the average rent for each unit type remains far below what local demand permits for similar free market product.

  • Prime Gravesend Location Just Two Blocks from Kings Highway
  • Close Proximity to Kings Highway and Avenue U "N" Train
  • Short Five Block Walk to "B4" Bus Line
  • Long Term Ownership and Tenancy Offers Significant Upside in Current Rent Roll
  • Boiler, Water Tanks and Roof All Updated Within Past Five Years
  • Zero Open DOB Violations As of November 2015

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